Jordans Chimney Cleaning Sweep Belfast, 5 Gipsy Street, BT7 3FW

In the summer, the stack cools, and can end up quite cold when compared to the surrounding air. The air in it cools, and when you light a fire, this cold air sits in the flue like a cork. Once you have warmed up the flue, the usual flow will return and the chimney will stop smoking.
Why do I get smoke in the room every time I light a fire ?
The chimney is probably blocked by soot, bird debris or masonry. It should be swept without delay.
Why do I sometimes get smoke in the room when the fire is lit ?
This can happen on windy days but it may be a ventilation problem. Try opening a window slightly to see if that cures the problem. If it does, you need to improve the ventilation of the room.
I have birds nesting in my chimney. What should I do?
They are probably jackdaws or starlings. Don’t worry though – the good news is the cheeky little chaps will grow up and fly away in just a few weeks. All the nesting material can be removed once they have left the chimney and a bird-guard fitted to stop them returning.
Why do I need my chimney swept before it is closed off?
If a chimney is closed off, it can become damp. If there is soot in your chimney, then this soot can turn into a black acidic slurry that in an old chimney can soak into the internal walls causing severe problems. If the damp gets bad, then it can penetrate through the wall into the room where it will cause unpleasant stains on the walls.
How should I prepare for the chimney sweep’s arrival?
Sweeps need space to work. So just make sure the area in front of the fireplace is clear. Any hot ash should also be removed the night before. Empty ashes from the grate and other debris, and move away any hearth furniture and companion sets. We always bring fresh, clean sheets to use for every single job.
Why should my chimney be swept ?
While you are enjoying your open fireplace or wood burning stove, soot and likely black creosote tar are being produced. This is carried up the chimney within the smoke.
Some of these by-products of combustion cling to the walls of the flue or flue liner and if not regularly removed will become a fierce fire hazard and a corrosive substance to the chimney lining, especially true for the stainless steel flue liners.
Fire also produces deadly combustion gases, such as carbon monoxide. Regular chimney sweeping and our safety inspections help to ensure these toxic gases will be safely vented through the cleaned, unobstructed chimney. Debris such as soot, tar, fallen masonry and bird nest are often the cause of blocked flues.
A regular chimney sweep maintenance will also improve the efficiency of your fire, saving you money on fuel and helping to keep the environment a healthier, greener place.
I have just lit my fire for the first time since summer – why is there smoke coming back into the room?
During winter, the chimney is warm, the air in it is warm and so is the air in the room. Warm air is light and rises, and there is a continuous stream of air up the flue which reinforces the flow.